rote-learning competition in memorization
rote learning competition in memorization
rote memorization
: rote memorization 空覚え うろ覚え そらおぼえ うろおぼえ
rote memorization of english grammar
: 英文法{えいぶんぽう}の丸暗記{まるあんき}
learning by memorization
: learning by memorization 誦習 しょうしゅう
learning by rote
: 機械的暗記{きかいてき あんき}
rote learning
: 暗記学習、機械的学習、棒暗記{ぼうあんき}
accumulation of bits of information acquired through rote memorization
: 断片的{だんぺんてき}な知識{ちしき}を覚え込むこと
acquired by rote learning
: 丸暗記{まるあんき}で身に付けた
concentrated on rote learning
: 《be ~》暗記{あんき}[機械的{きかいてき}]学習{がくしゅう}に集中{しゅうちゅう}する
discourage rote learning
: 暗記学習{あんき がくしゅう}を阻止{そし}する
excessive emphasis on rote learning
: 暗記{あんき}[機械的{きかいてき}]学習{がくしゅう}の偏重{へんちょう}、記憶力偏重{きおくりょく へんちょう}
(belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning
: (belief in the desirability of) education by rote learning 詰め込み主義 つめこみしゅぎ
excessive emphasis upon rote learning
: memorization n. 記憶. 【形容詞 名詞+】 imperfect memorization, resulting in hesitancy, confusion, etc. ためらい, ろうばいなどに終わる不完全な記憶 He had a facility for speed-reading and for instant memorization. 速
by rote
: 機械的な手順によって、機械的に、(機械的)まる暗記で、記憶によって、そらで
"rote learning competition in memorization" 意味
"rote memorization" 意味
"rote memorization of english grammar" 意味
"rote memory" 意味
"rote recall" 意味
"rotella" 意味
"rotella, la" 意味
"rotelle" 意味
"rotem" 意味
"rote memory" 意味
"rote recall" 意味
"rotella" 意味
"rotella, la" 意味
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